The Turning Point Academy team has a wealth of academic, business, and ministry experience and a passion for seeing Western Civilization thrive, young people flourish, and God exalted by all.
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Our Values
There is a God, and He is not man or manmade. God is the creator of the universe and reigns supreme.
The teaching of God’s truth and virtue is the beginning of wisdom and is the best defense against destructive ideologies.
There are two sexes - male and female, and two genders - man and woman
Marriage is between one man and one woman.
All life is sacred, beginning at conception.
All people are created equal and in the image of God.
The epicenter of a child’s formation is the family. The church, schools, and community exist to serve God and the family.
The founding ideals of the United States - freedom, equality, liberty, opportunity, and democracy are essential to teach, model, and preserve.
Working together advocating for virtuous education is critical for a flourishing society.