Turning Point Academy Association joins education advocates and schools with shared values through AWARENESS, CONNECTION, and ACTION to provide transformational education to the next generation rooted in God's TRUTH and VIRTUE.

By fostering AWARENESS of both the triumphs and the challenges in education, establishing CONNECTIONS with and drawing inspiration from fellow education advocates, and providing ACTIONable items to make a meaningful impact today, Turning Point Academy Association Affiliates can rely on our unwavering support to RECLAIM the education of our children, REVIVE virtuous education, and RESTORE God as the foundation of education.
Turning Point Academy Association is dedicated to shedding light on miseducation in our communities as well as triumphs in virtuous education and valuable resources to inform and equip you
TPAA affiliates actively engage with like-minded educators and individuals who passionately share our commitment to virtuous education. We encourage the exchange of insights, experiences, and resources to inspire and support one another in our collective efforts
TPAA propels change through prayer, mobilization, and influence, taking meaningful steps to make a difference.
Turning Point Academy Association Values:
There is a God, and He is not manmade. God is the creator of the universe and reigns supreme.
The teaching of God’s truth and virtue is the beginning of wisdom and is the best defense against destructive ideologies.
There are two sexes - male and female, and two genders - man and woman
Marriage is between one man and one woman.
All life is sacred, beginning at conception.
All people are created equal and in the image of God.
The epicenter of a child’s formation is the family. The church, schools, and community exist to serve God and the family.
The founding ideals of the United States - freedom, equality, liberty, opportunity, and democracy are essential to teach, model, and preserve.
Working together advocating for virtuous education is critical for a flourishing society.
*If you are the head of school, a staff member, or a teacher at a school that can’t agree with these values, but you hold them personally, we highly encourage you to join TPAA as an individual affiliate member.

TPAA Benefits
TPAA is free
Inaction is costly
The benefits are priceless
Networking with and support from other schools and education advocates
Access to Academy teacher resources (i.e. curriculum and training)
Consulting and mentoring by Academy staff
Special invitations to conferences/events for all school personnel
Featured on our nationwide school finder map
Ability to post job openings and access job candidates
Access to exceptional student programs
Access to helpful parent programs
Networking with and support from other education advocates
Access to Academy teacher resources (i.e. curriculum and training)
Consulting and mentoring by Academy staff
Special invitations to conferences/events
Ability to post your resume and access job openings
Access to exceptional student programs
Access to helpful parent programs
Parents and students are not TPAA affiliates, they are the reason why we exist.
Support transformational education
Identify schools that align with their values
Access to recommended resources
Introduction to TPUSA network
Scholarship opportunities
TPAA Affiliate Schools
**Schools shown on the Affiliate School Map indicate their voluntary agreement with Turning Point Academy Values and should not be understood as an unconditional endorsement.